Monday 12 June 2017


It started Wednesday night packing.I was packing wetsuits, lifejackets, my helmet and everything else.Then it was the next day and I was excited grabbed all my stuff and chucked it in the car[I had a lot of stuff].then we found out who was in who's car I was in Caitlyns mums car with Caitlyn, Jaime, Chloe and I.We got up there and then got changed into our wetsuits.Then picked who's going to be in the rafts.Basically, all the girls were in one raft apart from 3 our instructor was Gabbie [she's really nice and funny] then we got our rafts into the river.The river was up waipuna way we were going to raft the Arnold but there was a change of plan. Then we got on the water went over a big rapid it was fun but scary at the same time.It took about two and a half hours and then we got to camp and got some wood for the campfire.Then we set up our we made our dinner it was sausages and bacon. next we played Chinese whispers there was some weird things.Then played spotlight it was fun. afterwards we went to bed it was really cold.The next day we got up and had pancakes ours kinda failed after we got into our wet wetsuits and played capture the flag.then we packed up our stuff and put it in the trailer after we got into our rafts and away we went.My feet were so frezzing they could frezze of any minite.there was alot of rapids.Then we got to the beach were the parents were and got a picture and then got changed into warm gear and got into the car to go back to school and that was the end of that.It was a really cool adventure.  


  1. Thanks Sophie. For your next reflection, it would be cool if you could 'reflect' as opposed to writing a recount - then, next, and then etc. Have a think about what challenged you and how this experience is going ti help you going forward. Read some of your classmate's reflections - Tess has a good example of this. Thanks.

  2. Hello Sophie it's Renae,
    Wow that sounds like you guys had a blast!
    Good job
    Cheers Renae


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